Environment. Let the numbers speak.

The results of excellence speak for themselves and allow Atlas Concorde to combine the highest levels of product quality with a determined environmental protection programme.


Atlas ESG ambiente

Energy efficiency standards

The factory in Fiorano Modenese has achieved a high standard of energy efficiency.
AC autosufficenza-energetica
Company p8c

Etekina project: 40% savings on natural gas

Atlas Concorde implements the Etekina project, the thermal energy recovery system that allows the reuse of heat from the firing cycle. Thanks to the re-use of up to 95% of the exhaust gases released by the energy cogenerator, the amount of natural gas required by the department is reduced by 40%.
AC progetto-etekina

100% LED lighting

The new LED installations allow savings of around 50% of electricity consumption on an annual basis.
AC illuminazione-led



100% recycled cooked and raw waste

Maximum reduction of waste and total recovery of scraps from the production process: a true commitment to the protection of the environment.
AC scarti-riciclati

99% of waste sent for recovery. 25% waste reduction in the last two years

Established procedure of separate collection and almost complete reuse of waste. In the last two years, the amount of total waste from the plants has decreased by 25%.
AC recupero-rifiuti

100% recycled industrial water and 27% reduction in water consumption in the last two years

Atlas Concorde is committed to reducing overall water consumption and no drop of water is wasted: all waste water is purified and reused at the highest level of efficiency.
AC acque-riciclate


Atlas ESG ambiente-2

Cardboard and other packaging: 100% recyclable material

All packaging used by Atlas Concorde is made from recyclable materials, including all purchased cardboard.
AC imballaggi-riciclati

Automatic Vertical Warehouse: 60% CO2 reduction

The logistical efficiency of the vertical warehouse drastically reduces CO2 emissions.
AC riduzione-co2
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Aeree Atlas Concorde-14

Filtering plant emissions

The air filtration system ensures extremely low dust emission.
AC filtraggio-aria

Absence of carcinogenic substances in products

All components of Atlas Concorde products are free of lead, cadmium, heavy metals and other carcinogenic substances.
AC assenza-sostanze-cancerogene
Atlas Concorde company factory005

No raw material from 'Natura 2000' protected areas

Atlas Concorde is committed to not using any raw materials from 'Natura 2000' protected areas.

Environmentally conscious suppliers

Atlas Concorde asks for a substantial commitment to environmental sustainability to its entire production supply chain.